Guy Augustin Marie Jean de la Pérusse des Cars was a best-selling French author of popular novels. He was born on 6 May 1911 in Paris and died on 21 December 1993 in the same city.
He started his writing career before World War II as a journalist and showed a keen interest in the circus and variety arts, which led him to work as Press Agent for the giant German Circus Gleich when it visited France in the 1930s. After World War II, he was a member of the Association de la Presse du Music-Hall et du Cirque, a French Press organization that gathered French circus and variety critics and chroniclers and a few other prominent circus and variety enthusiasts (Yves Mourousi, Jean-Pierre Thiollet, Francis Fehr...), presided by a well known journalist in France, Jacqueline Cartier. In 1977, he created the La Dame du Cirque award (named after one of his books), which was presented to the best female act at the International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo.
Video Guy des Cars
From an aristocratic family, des Cars was the second son of François de la Péruse, Duke des Cars (1875â"1941) and Marie Thérésa Edwards (1879â"1941). One of his ancestors inspired Molière's title character in his comedy-ballet La comtesse d'Escarbagnas.
He was married 3 times:
- 18 April 1934 with Mary Vilgrain
- 19 February 1942 with Jacqueline Jourdan. 1 son, Jean
- 12 May 1947 with the lyric artist Marthe Claquin
Maps Guy des Cars
Literary works
- 1946Â : L'impure (a TV show was based on this novel)
- 1948 : La demoiselle d'opéra
- 1951Â : La brute (a TV show was based on this novel; as well as the 1954 British film The Green Scarf )
- 1953Â : L'amour s'en va en guerre
- 1954Â : La maudite
- 1955Â : L'officier sans nom
- 1956Â : Amour de ma vie
- 1956 : La cathédrale de haine
- 1957Â : La tricheuse (a TV show was based on this novel)
- 1958 : Le château de la juive
- 1959Â : Les filles de joie
- 1960 : Cette étrange tendresse
- 1961Â : Le grand Monde
- 1962Â : La dame du cirque
- 1963Â : Sang d'Afrique
- 1964Â : Les sept femmes
- 1965Â : De cape et de plume
- 1966Â : L'habitude d'amour
- 1967Â : Le faussaire
- 1968 : La révoltée
- 1969 : La vipère
- 1970Â : L'entremetteuse
- 1971Â : Une certaine dame
- 1972 : L'insolence de sa beauté
- 1973 : La vie secrète de Dorothée Gindt
- 1973Â : Le donneur
- 1974 : J'ose, récit autobiographique
- 1975Â : L'envouteuse
- 1974Â : Le mage et la boule de cristal
- 1976Â : Le mage et les lignes de la main
- 1977Â : Le chateau du clown
- 1977Â : Le mage et la bonne aventure
- 1978Â : Le mage et la graphologie
- 1979Â : La femme qui en savait trop
- 1979Â : Les Reines de cÅ"ur de Roumanie
- 1981 : La femme sans frontière
- 1983Â : Le crime de Mathilde
- 1984Â : Le faiseur de morts
- 1984Â : La voleuse
- 1985 : Je t'aimerai éternellement
- 1990Â : La femme d'argent
Others books published with unknown dates:
- La coupable : Guilty
- La femme objet
- La justicière
- La mère porteuse
- La vengeresse
- La visiteuse
- Le boulevard des illusions : Illusions boulevard
- Le mage et le pendule : This book is part of a serie : after Le mage et la boule de cristal, written in 1974 et before Mage et les lignes de la main, written in 1976.
- Le train du Père Noël : Santa Claus' Train
- L'homme au double visage : Double face Man â" (a TV show was based on this novel)
- Les sept femmes : Seven Women
External links
- Video: Guy des Cars in 1968, he spoke about his life and his career on Swiss Television.
- (in French) List of des Cars' books in pocket size
- IMDb's list of novels that became TV shows